019 The Science of Snoring | Prof Danny Eckert

If you prioritise sleep and are getting good quality sleep on a regular basis this is how you get the most out of life
— Professor Danny Eckert -

As a sleep and breathing scientist, Professor Danny Eckert’s works to understand the cause of sleep apnoea and develop alternative therapies.  I was shocked by the statistic that a million Australians are affected by sleep apnoea and Danny explains the variety of causes however it is clear that the 3 pillars of health – sleep, nutrition and exercise all play a role.

Inspire yourself with these essential insights from Danny

Audio Block
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We spoke about

  • How Danny went from an elite cyclist to a sleep and breathing scientist

  • The spectrum of a breathing disorder from simple snoring through to severe sleep apnoea a serious health condition

  • What happens when someone snores

  • Factors affecting snoring

  • Impacts of a breathing disorder on how people feel during the day

  • Managing the factors within our control to minimise or eliminate snoring

  • Changes to therapies over time

  • Simple ideas to reduce the impact of snoring

  • Benefits of quality sleep

  • Ideas for enhancing the quality of your sleep

  • The science of understanding the causes of sleep disorders

  • The impact of sleep disorders on the body

  • Paying attention to the ongoing symptoms

  • The need to seek professional help

  • Misperception about who snores

If you got value from this episode if you have not yet done so please Subscribe, Rate and Review on iTunes or Stitcher. You can follow the instructions here.  If you know someone else that would get value from this episode as well please share it with them.

Until next time fabulous podcast listener, I’m Bev and I invite you to live the fab life with me now!

Episode Links

You can find Associate Professor Danny Eckert at:

Website:  https://www.neura.edu.au/staff/assoc-prof-danny-eckert/

Face book: https://www.facebook.com/NeuRASleepLab 

Sleeptember® Events

Sleep Beyond Belief will resolve the problem of feeling stressed out and instead we will be tapping out! Let's tap out your stress so you can Sleep Beyond Belief!

Prof Danny Eckert discussing the science of snoring on Living Fabulously with Bev Roberts podcast P.png

Value Quotes

“Simple snoring is quite benign other than it’s effects on the bed partner of course!”

“People with untreated severe sleep apnoea are 7 to 8 times more likely to crash their car”

“If you sleep on your side it tends to be more favourable for breathing"

“Sleep is one of the 3 pillars of health”

“If you prioritise sleep and are getting good quality sleep on a regular basis this is how you get the most out of life”

“We know from many studies that exercise and activity during the day helps your sleep at night”

“Over a million Australian adults have sleep apnoea”

“Sleep apnoea affects every single organ in the body”

“Untreated sleep apnoea can cause cardio-vascular disease and premature death”

017 Successful women who sleep | Bev Roberts

If you want a quality life you need quality sleep
— Bev Roberts -

The dismissive attitude towards sleep is taking a turn for the better finally; with many highly successful women openly supporting the restorative power of sleep.  You will be in good company when you dump the myth that sleep is a waste of time and prioritise your sleep just like any other goal you value.

I surprised myself and may have had a little rant so I knew it hit the mark when Tash Corbin shared: "I LOVED THE BIT WHEN YOU GOT RANTY :) made my heart BURST with joy :) thank you thank you thank you!!!!!

Join me as I explore what these 5 successful women have to say about sleep

What do these highly Successful Women say about Sleep Marie Forleo Arianna Huffington  Sheryl  Sandberg by Living Fabulously with Bev Roberts podcast F.png

What do these 5 highly Successful Women say about Sleep

Arianna Huffington, Co-founder and Editor in Chief, the Huffington Post Media Group, author “The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life, One Night at a Time”"Sleep is the ultimate performance enhancer" | Arianna Huffington

Arianna Huffington, Co-founder and Editor in Chief, the Huffington Post Media Group, author “The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life, One Night at a Time”

"Sleep is the ultimate performance enhancer" | Arianna Huffington

Marie Forleo, creator of MarieTV, founder of B-School (Credit: Eric Michael Pearson)"Only by renewing our relationship with sleep can we take back control of our lives" | Marie Forleo

Marie Forleo, creator of MarieTV, founder of B-School
(Credit: Eric Michael Pearson)

"Only by renewing our relationship with sleep can we take back control of our lives" | Marie Forleo

Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook Chief Operating Officer and author “Lean In""Sometimes we need to sleep in to lean in" | Sheryl Sandberg

Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook Chief Operating Officer and author “Lean In"

"Sometimes we need to sleep in to lean in" | Sheryl Sandberg

Judith Curr, President, Publisher and founder of Atria Books, a division of Simon and Schuster Inc"It's about what you do when you are awake that counts, not how long you are awake" | Judith Curr

Judith Curr, President, Publisher and founder of Atria Books, a division of Simon and Schuster Inc

"It's about what you do when you are awake that counts, not how long you are awake" | Judith Curr

Jayne-Anne Gadhia, Chief Executive Virgin Money"I try to be in bed by 10.30pm. And I always sleep like a log! I need and get about eight hours a night" | Jayne-Anne Gadhia

Jayne-Anne Gadhia, Chief Executive Virgin Money

"I try to be in bed by 10.30pm. And I always sleep like a log! I need and get about eight hours a night" | Jayne-Anne Gadhia

Change the status quo

We are not short of information on how to get quality sleep and to top up your ideas bank you can read my 5 key steps to get your Zzzz on here.  However YOU need to make a choice to change the status quo when it comes to your sleep. 

Yes YOU can challenge the idea that you get your best ideas late at night.

Yes YOU can make a choice about what time you will go to bed.

Yes YOU can decide what you do in the 30 – 60 minutes before bed. 

It’s all in your control.

Sleeptember® Events

1) Sleep Beyond Belief will resolve the problem of feeling stressed out and instead we will be tapping out! Let's tap out your stress so you can Sleep Beyond Belief!

2) Stress Sleep and your Brain will solve the connection and missing links between your energy, your emotional health and your vitality. Get your natural high right here by connecting Stress Sleep and your Brain

3) Six Steps to Healthy Weight and Vitality will eliminate overwhelm and have you take back control. A simple plan to carve out time for yourself while still keeping up with your work and family commitments. Let go of the angst with 6 Steps to Healthy Weight and Vitality

016 Good sleep is not a luxury | Petrea King

Lack of sleep is not the consequence but the cause of really serious illnesses
— Petrea King -

When I met Petrea at a Quest for Life Foundation retreat I heard her story first hand.  I was amazed that months of meditation in a monastery near Assisi in Italy was paramount in her healing from acute myeloid leukemia as was integrating past trauma.  How fabulous that Petrea is living the life she came here to live and through her vision thousands of people are supported to get back into the driver's seat of life.

Inspire yourself with these essential insights from Petrea

We spoke about

  • The impact of being a coper on Petrea’s health

  • The challenge of living with the uncertainty of a diagnosis

  • Our responsibility with our bodies and brains

  • The mind being a great servant but appalling master

  • The distinction between having feelings but not being the feeling

  • Our first or essential nature is who we are

  • Learning from others and our bodies

  • The opportunity about coming back to the present

  • The need for deep levels of replenishing sleep

  • Learning how to let go both during the day and when we fall asleep

  • A conducive environment to sleep

  • Building a practice of reflecting on the day and any unfinished “business”

  • Practical ideas for supporting you to get better sleep

  • Creating the ritual around the last hour before you go to bed

  • Being able to incorporate in noise as what is

  • How retreats at Quest for Life support people get back in charge of what’s going on

  • Managing all the D’s in life

  • Finding out what it is to live your life on purpose

  • Good sleep is a foundation for wellbeing

If you got value from this episode if you have not yet done so please Subscribe, Rate and Review on iTunes or Stitcher. You can follow the instructions here.  If you know someone else that would get value from this episode as well please share it with them.

Until next time fabulous podcast listener, I’m Bev and I invite you to live the fab life with me now!

Episode Links

You can find Petrea at:

Website: www.questforlife.com.au

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/QuestforLifeAus/

Sleeptember® Events

Sleep Beyond Belief will resolve the problem of feeling stressed out and instead we will be tapping out! Let's tap out your stress so you can Sleep Beyond Belief!

Petrea King discussing why sleep is not a luxury on Living Fabulously with Bev Roberts podcast P.png

Value Quotes

“I’d been putting a lot of emotions down for a very long time and not dealing with them”

“I had my life all packed up in this suitcase ready for the big trip then the plane got cancelled”

“Be in right relationship with your body, your mind and your feelings”

“Learn not to take your own life quite so personally”

“Recognise you have a body that you are not your body but you have a body and you do need to nourish it appropriately”

“You have a brain and you need to quieten it down on a regular basis”

“Keep your brain in good company”

“You want to manage your mind and not be managed by your mind”

“You have feelings and recognising that this is not who I am but it is what I am feeling”

“If we can stay with our essential nature then we have more sense of the unity and interconnectedness of life”

“The present moment can become a wonderful refuge from the internal suffering that our mind can bring to our circumstance”

“If you get a good night’s sleep almost everything looks better the next day”

“When we are restless in some way we may never arrive at that deep sleep level or if we do we don’t stay there long enough to really experience the benefits”

“If you go to sleep during the relaxation or at the end of the relaxation you go straight into your deep sleep which would otherwise take you several hours to arrive at”

“Create a sacred space where you can just be with yourself on a daily basis and internally declutter yourself”

“That reviewing time can save a lot of misery in the future because it gives you time to reflect on what has been for the day rather than thinking about it at 10pm when you climb into bed or never thinking about it which means things will begin to fall through the cracks”

“The more tired you get the more likely things are to fall through the cracks and that’s not a good way to run your business or to run your life”

“It’s building in these rituals so that your brain recognises that these are the rituals that I utilise before I go to sleep”

“You need to utilise all of these rituals in the hour before you go to bed”

“Make an absolute commitment to yourself that you don’t think things through in the middle of the night”

“Get back into the driver’s seat of life so you no longer feel a victim in the circumstance of life”

“A deep call from within yourself to get into right relationship with yourself”

”Live the life that you came here to live”

“Be a living demonstration of life unfolding through us and playing the part that we came here to play”