034 Mindful living | Chantal Vanderhaeghen

Live life by the moment and don’t wish it away
— Chantal Vanderhaeghen -

Finding her way to showing up for herself has led Chantal to show other women that we can do something great in any part of our lives. Chantal has invested in learning many tools to support her to create a life she loves to live. We talk about the more practical aspects and benefits of living mindfully.

Inspire yourself with these essential insights from Chantal

Chantal Vanderhaeghen

We spoke about 

  • Showing up for herself after hiding behind a façade

  • What mindful living is and it’s benefits

  • What being present means to Chantal

  • What gets in the way of mindful living

  • Connecting back to your home

  • Making mindful living practical

  • Living a full rich life

  • The power of creating a sacred space

  • Living life simply with love and kindness

Value Quotes 

“I didn’t have tools when I first started out and I didn’t know how to support myself. And these are the tools that have given me a lot in my life to create the life that I have today”

“I didn’t realise the menopause had all these emotional side-effects attached it”

“Mindful living for me is being conscious and aware of everything that I’m doing in my life no matter how small or how big”

“We do things mindlessly because it’s automatic”

“Enjoy life to it’s absolute fullest. Enjoy being fearless and adventurous.  Enjoy being courageous. Never ever give up no matter what happens in your life. You are unique you are enough, you’re more than enough”

“Live life by the moment and don’t wish it away”

“Live life to the fullest the way you want to live but not how others think you should”

“Either you go to your space or you stay in your bed with your space or you go and sit in your garden. And that is where you get those beautiful moments of insights”

If you got value from this episode if you have not yet done so please Subscribe, Rate and Review on iTunes or Stitcher. You can follow the instructions here.  If you know someone else that would get value from this episode as well please share it with them.

Until next time fabulous podcast listener, I’m Bev and I invite you to live the fab life with me now! 

Episode Links 

You can find Chantal Vanderhaeghan at:

Website: www.unfoldyourfreedom.com.au

Facebook: www.facebook.com/unfoldyourfreedom

Sleeping Fabulously starts on Monday, 20 February 2017. It’s a 4 week course to transform your sleep. You’ve probably tried a few things to get better sleep but you just can’t turn this around. If you want more good days and you could do with less nights of struggle then this is the course for you. All the details can be found at http://bit.ly/sleepfabulously

033 Exercise deliberate choice | Debbi Carberry

The story we tell women I think is really sad right now which is ‘you can have everything’. I think that’s cruel… because with that comes a massive burden
— Debbi Carberry -

A roller coaster of a story where Debbi learned so many lessons from her son who defied the medical prognosis given at a routine 18 week pregnancy scan.  I love Debbi’s philosophy that life gives you what you need and even though it can be a rough road, for me it is a metaphor of tumbling stones to get to the diamond.  Debbi shares amazing insights into human connection and our ability to change our hard wiring laid down in early childhood.

Inspire yourself with these essential insights from Debbi

033 Exercise deliberate choice Debbi Carberry

We spoke about 

  • A life changing decision

  • Dealing with an unsolvable challenge

  • Making a choice to let go of fear

  • Learning that we are not in control

  • The value of an optimistic outlook

  • Being the queen of self-care or being selfish?

  • The myth of having it all and being all

  • The joy of being a fearless 20 year old

  • Connection and the neuroplasticity of the brain

  • Exercising deliberate choice

  • Retraining your brain around sleep

Value Quotes 

“I have a philosophy that life gives you what you need”

“I would attack my life with fervour. It would be just like pumping through things and he kind of brought me to my knees”

“It was a rollercoaster ride where I would just get so incredibly fearful. So I lived in fear for about 6 – 8 years thinking is today the day”

“You need to stop it. You made a decision to let him live, you chose that. You need to let him live…”

“It wasn’t an option to fall in a heap on the floor. It just wasn’t an option. I was a single parent”

“I couldn’t be self-indulgent I needed to go ok what has to happen today and I think that helped me to get through that really difficult first 4 years”

“I’ve sacrificed a lot over the years and now it’s my turn and I’m loving it”

“If we do not take care of ourselves. If we are not happy then what are we giving to the people around us?”

“The story we tell women I think is really sad right now which is ‘you can have everything’. I think that’s cruel… because with that comes a massive burden”

“Looking back at my 20 year old self I grin from ear to ear because she was so fearless and so courageous and probably extraordinarily naïve”

“There’s this very interesting dance that goes on where we learn how to get our needs met and we knew that from mums and babies… this is a kind of blueprint for how we do all our relationships into adulthood”

“What we do repeatedly becomes an automated pattern of behaviour so what we need to do is when we struggle in this is not to go down that well-worn path”

“What’s the pay-off of not sleeping? That’s the first question I would ask”

“If your brain is just noisy what are you doing to download that data?”

“Don’t be complacent. Grab onto every opportunity that comes your way”

If you got value from this episode if you have not yet done so please Subscribe, Rate and Review on iTunes or Stitcher. You can follow the instructions here.  If you know someone else that would get value from this episode as well please share it with them.

Until next time fabulous podcast listener, I’m Bev and I invite you to live the fab life with me now!

Episode Links  

You can find Debbi Carberry at:

Website:  https://debbicarberry.com.au/

Face book: https://www.facebook.com/DebbiCarberryCounselling/

Did you know that quality SLEEP is one of the most important factors that affect your metabolism and also impact your levels of satiety or satisfaction when you eat?

Join me for Better Sleep Better Waistline to make simple changes that you can implement right away!

A FREE webinar on Tuesday, 24 January 2017 at 11.00am AEDT (Sydney, Australia which is UTC+11)

If you can't make it live there will be a recording available so sign up today by clicking here. Make a choice to make a change... Choose VITALITY!

032 Step forward into what you really want | Elizabeth Williamson

It’s really important when you’re faced with a difficulty or a challenge that’s ongoing and sometimes feels insurmountable, that we give ourselves time for the difficult feelings
— Elizabeth Williamson -

Imagine as a result of an operation becoming completely immobile and having to learn to walk again?

Elizabeth’s story is inspirational and her spirit and quest to live the best life are both moving and truly motivational.  The humour and creativity that Elizabeth brings to her daily life is extraordinary and had me realise that it’s the lens we use on our situation that can change our outcomes.

This is an interview that will make you not want to settle for a second best life and step forward into what you really want to do in your life.

Inspire yourself with these essential insights from Elizabeth

Elizabeth Williamson

We spoke about

Elizabeth’s career as a counsellor and conflict resolution specialist

The life changing impact of an operation and the gruelling rehabilitation

Finding a way to be with the experience of grief

Focus on being the most positive person in the ward and gym

Neuroplasticity of the brain in the healing process

Bringing creativity and humour into the difficult experiences

Choosing your attitude for the day

The art of sadness and learning to create fun

Living with daily courage and humour

Love, support and generosity of friends

The passion to build a business courageously

Looking at fear differently

Compassion and self-care 

Value Quotes

“I have a real passion about creating a legacy for the future in our families and for our children”

“..creating workplaces where the inevitable conflicts and tensions are not avoided or escalated but seen as creative opportunities”

“If I had really understood what the progress would be post-surgery, I don’t think I would have managed”

“I thought re learning to walk was just like when there’s a tingle in your legs and they are numb in the morning and the feeling comes back, that’s what I thought would be happening for me”

“It took more courage than I could have understood at the time.  It took more humour than I could have understood at the time and more sadness, you know really having to understand grief and loss in a new way”

“It’s been a long slow journey back”

“I get the sensation of the nerves flowing through my body.  It’s an astounding experience”

“Determination needs lots of laughter, a little bit of competition and a little bit of anger”

“I joke now that I walk like I’m drunk when I’m sober. Well I walked back then like I was 4 or 5 or 17 sheets to the wind”

“We do have a choice about how we manage chronic pain but it is a daily choice and for people living with a disability or chronic pain it’s often a choice they have to make several times a day”

“It’s really important when you’re faced with a difficulty or a challenge that’s ongoing and sometimes feels insurmountable that we give ourselves time for the difficult feelings”

“I wasn’t going to settle for a second best life.  Whatever my physical possibilities were going to be I was going to live the very best life I could”

“There’s lots of value to be found in the difficult experiences”

“That decision to live a best life possible means just very small daily courage”

“One of the amazing outcomes for me is to understand so much more about compassion”

“We need to have rich, full lives which are full of the dark and the light”

“I have a joke that I start off with saying that I have a conflict with gravity and you’ll see me wobble as well as other conflicts we have in life”

“We have to live our lives being our very best friend”

“If I reach out and very simply make 5 or 10 people smile. My mood will be better and I’ll have raised my head, my eyes and my attitude and my emotions”  

If you got value from this episode if you have not yet done so please Subscribe, Rate and Review on iTunes or Stitcher. You can follow the instructions here.  If you know someone else that would get value from this episode as well please share it with them.

I have some really exciting news I want to share with you! I will be writing my book in the first quarter of next year. Woo hoo I was accepted on the 90 day book writing course with Kathy Miles Wheeler and will be supported by the fabulous Karen Gunton, she's a coach and author of the Lighthouse Revolution.

So in order to achieve my dream of writing a non-fiction book I will be moving to fortnightly shows in 2017.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for being such a fabulous listener and I wish you and your loved ones a safe and happy festive season.  May joy, peace and love be yours in abundance.

Until next time fabulous podcast listener, I’m Bev and I invite you to live the fab life with me now!  

Episode Links

You can find Elizabeth Williamson at:

Website: www.elizabethwilliamsonsolutions.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElizabethWilliamsonSolutions/

Kathy Miles Wheeler: http://www.bookwritingmagazine.com/

Karen Gunton: http://www.karengunton.com