042 Say YES to the right things | Patti Villalobos

Learn to be honest with yourself as much as you possibly can and don’t run away from yourself because your shadow will just catch up with you
— Patti Villalobos -

Wise words from coach, course creator and teacher, Patti Villalobos who is passionate about enabling people to live better lives and reflects that this is ‘a journey worth taking’. We all wish for relationships that flourish however we can be at the people-pleasing or overtly controlling end of a spectrum and it’s tough to break entrenched patterns. This interview is a must-listen if you are ready to make a change for the better with boundaries both for your self and with others. Patti shares great analogies, stories and examples to bring clarity to the art of setting boundaries.

Inspire yourself with these essential insights from Patti Villalobos

We spoke about 

  • Starting over with a passion for helping people move forward

  • Recreating overwork and why being driven didn’t work

  • From an out of control and reactive life to better balance and self-care

  • Why we get caught up in the trap of saying yes when we mean no

  • Reframing healthy conflict by balancing the “see-saw”

  • Breaking the cycle of entrenched behaviour and patterns

  • The opportunity of creating new patterns in long term relationships

  • Building more honest relationships

  • Patti’s course ‘Set Boundaries like a Boss’

  • Embracing your shadow self to come to wholeness

Value Quotes 

“Talk about a wake up call.  This was a wake up call from my soul to say ok what are you doing?”

“With the insomnia it brought a lot of anxiety and depression because of course when you are not sleeping everything is jacked up right”

“As long as I’m being pro-active in my self-care I feel the healthiest emotionally, mentally and spiritually than I’ve ever been”

“Setting boundaries is part of being assertive and you don’t have to be mean or aggressive when you do it”

“Conflict is inevitable. You are going to have people who don’t agree with you just because they see the world different from you”

“Recognise you’re learning a skill and so don’t beat yourself up. Have grace when you don’t get it ‘right’ and practice is what makes it perfect, if there is such a thing”

“What you need to recognise is that you can’t change another’s behaviour.  What you can do, is you can change your approach and when you change your approach the interaction between the two of you is going to change”

“If you have a relationship with someone who is important to you and you start changing, that kind of freaks them out a little bit. They get afraid they’re going to lose you. They get afraid that it is reflecting back on them and that they need to change… so unconsciously they start ‘pulling at your ankles’”

“Your boundaries help you to keep moving towards your values and towards who you are wanting to be but hopefully you can do it without doing the ‘cut and run’”

“I like to look at boundaries as more than just saying no to things. Boundaries are also about saying yes to the right things”

If you got value from this episode if you have not yet done so please Subscribe, Rate and Review on iTunes or Stitcher. You can follow the instructions here.  If you know someone else that would get value from this episode as well please share it with them.

Until next time fabulous podcast listener, I’m Bev and I invite you to live the fab life with me now!

Patti Villalobos on Living Fabulously with Bev Pin Q1.png
Patti Villalobos on Living Fabulously with Bev podcast Q2

Episode Links 

You can find Patti Villalobos at:

Website:  http://www.pattivillalobos.com/

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/PattiVillalobosCoaching/

Brené Brown author of Rising Strong:  http://brenebrown.com/books/


040 Get out of the pit of despair | Becky Howell

Mindset and happiness, understanding yourself and baby steps is the difference between being in the pit of despair and living a fabulous life
— Becky Howell -

What a delight to hear how Becky has transformed her own life along her health journey and is speaking out on the significance of happiness and healing in our lives.  What would you do if no one around you believed you were unwell?  Becky chose not to stay in a pit of despair and took one small step at a time to reclaim her health.  In this interview Becky shares some great tools and techniques on how she rose above her circumstances.

Inspire yourself with these essential insights from Becky Howell

Becky Howell on Living Fabulously with Bev

We spoke about 

  • A challenging health journey rendered more difficult by disbelief

  • What stimuli carry you through to start to get better and find your health

  • The decision to focus on one step at a time

  • How honesty, patience and a sense of humour can support you

  • Using the analogy of 5 spoons to build awareness about capacity

  • A worst day illustration from Becky’s journey

  • The evolutionary evidence of your life purpose

  • Being more vocal to help spread the message

  • Becky’s latest book “My happiness book”

  • Taking small pleasures and elevating them

  • Tips for living fabulously through more happiness, objectivity and mindset

Value Quotes 

”There was just my husband and I. There was no one that we could find that would help. There was no one that would believe me. There was just nothing”

“I started learning natural and alternative methods to find my way back to health”

“Attitude and mindset is totally key”

“Mindset and happiness are the key to leveraging the energy you have to get better”

“Fibromyalgia is the cocktail if you want to experience a bunch of things at once”

“Mindset and happiness, understanding yourself and baby steps is the difference between being in the pit of despair and living a fabulous life”

“Most people don’t know what happiness is made up of or they don’t know how to access it and bring more of it into their lives”

“Enjoy your pleasure so much that it’s indecent – Coco Chanel”

“There are so many pockets of time that we do have and we need to reclaim those”

“Don’t let what a doctor may think about you get in the way of finding help”

“No one will have all the insight or info you do about your body.  If you can reach a point that helps you to leverage your info and match that with a medical plan, you will find your healing much faster” 

If you got value from this episode if you have not yet done so please Subscribe, Rate and Review on iTunes or Stitcher. You can follow the instructions here.  If you know someone else that would get value from this episode as well please share it with them.

Until next time fabulous podcast listener, I’m Bev and I invite you to live the fab life with me now! 

Episode Links 

You can find Becky Howell at:

Website:  http://www.beckyhowell.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BeckyEHowellHolisticSuccessCoach/  

039 Put all your strengths to work | Kathy Wheeler

I had to adjust so many things in my life in terms of what I thought were my strengths and how I went about dealing with situations and processing information
— Kathy Wheeler -

What do engineering, marketing and book writing have in common? Join me as we explore Kathy Wheeler’s journey to conquer a brain injury and pursue her passion to help others get their stories out in the world and in many cases using their words to heal themselves. It’s amazing how Kathy relied on other strengths and chose not to admit defeat.

Inspire yourself with these essential insights from Kathy Wheeler

Kathy Wheeler on LIving Fabulously with Bev podcast

We spoke about 

  • A challenging brain injury

  • Changes to Kathy’s life as she knew it

  • Adapting ways of working and being

  • Combatting poor memory recall

  • The providence and patience to be able to work things out

  • The role of positivity and mindset in Kathy’s life

  • Timeout for catching up and regrounding

  • Concentrating on what brings us joy

  • Sharing our message with the world

  • Value of lifelong learning and other tips for living fabulously

Value Quotes 

”Many of my life circumstances also changed at that time and so I was able to rely on my other strengths thankfully”

“I had to adjust so many things in my life in terms of what I thought were my strengths and how I went about dealing with situations and processing information”

“I’m also more accepting of others and I can relate to people who have had strokes”

“A bad attitude won’t get me anywhere”

“I’ve realised that a positive attitude is the key to happiness and success”

“With the right attitude, the willingness to learn and the willingness to take action anyone can achieve anything they set their mind to”

“Quiet time really helps me process information when my brain feels like it’s on overload”

“If you have your feelings built up inside and need to release them, write it down.  Journaling is perfect. You don’t have to keep what you write you can tear it up immediately after”

If you got value from this episode if you have not yet done so please Subscribe, Rate and Review on iTunes or Stitcher. You can follow the instructions here.  If you know someone else that would get value from this episode as well please share it with them.

Until next time fabulous podcast listener, I’m Bev and I invite you to live the fab life with me now! 

Episode Links 

You can find Kathy Wheeler at:

Website:  http://www.the90daybook.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WritePublishandSellBooks/