057 The truth behind your negativity | Clayton John Ainger

No matter where we are in our life whether we’re experiencing extreme challenges or extreme joy there will always be things in your life that fulfil you and make you happy
— Clayton John Ainger -

When I first met Clayton John Ainger it felt like we’d known one another for a long time and his presence is palpable. He is an award-winning author, spiritual teacher, speaker and consultant who is so generous with sharing his own lessons, practical insights and actions.

In this episode we explore negativity and how it can be your greatest teacher when you pay attention and give it a voice. Be free and let yourself go is a catch phrase Clayton used and it’s so supportive of living fabulously.

Inspire yourself with these essential insights from Clayton John Ainger

We spoke about

  • An unfulfilling job and life with skewed values

  • Shifting to a journey with the Ego’s Code

  • 4 early indicators to ward off the impact of stress

  • 4 steps to addressing negativity

  • Getting out of stuckness with negative thoughts

  • Acting in line with our values

  • Clayton’s book The Ego’s Code

  • Simple ways to change your energy

Value Quotes

“A path and a journey began about really wanting to explore my own negativity, my own levels of stress that I was experiencing and how my life outside of me was being reflected outward from within me”

“What I would have done differently is not ignored the messages that have come through my negativity and the messages through stress that came up through my life”

“We experience negativity for a reason and that spiritually negativity is there to serve and help us”

“Positive thinking doesn’t work it just heightens the level of stress we have. So even though we know better why don’t we do better?”

“I’ve learned to work with my body. I’ve learned to work with my environment and I’ve learned to observe what’s going on within me and around me because we’re getting feedback all the time”

“The challenge in the modern world is that we become so consumed in doing that we take our focus off of who we are”

“When we experience negativity of any kind we are being triggered back to the past and we are actually reliving the past in the here and now”

“Go and sit with yourself in your common-sense corner”

“As you change your behaviours you start to change the neurology in the body”

“No matter where we are in our life whether we’re experiencing extreme challenges or extreme joy there will always be things in your life that fulfil you and make you happy”

If you got value from this episode if you have not yet done so please Subscribe, Rate and Review on iTunes or Stitcher. You can follow the instructions here.  If you know someone else that would get value from this episode as well please share it with them.

Until next time fabulous podcast listener, I’m Bev and I invite you to live the fab life with me now!

Episode Links

You can find Clayton John Ainger at:

Website: www.claytonjohnainger.com

Scroll down on his website to find the links to purchase The Ego’s Code book and meditation online

Clayton John Ainger on Living Fabulously with Bev episode 057.png
Clayton John Ainger on Living Fabulously with Bev episode 057.png
Clayton John Ainger on Living Fabulously with Bev episode 057.png

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055 No more starting over on Mondays | Melissa Costello

We’re in this diet mindset that keeps us stuck in the vicious circle instead of living more from a place of what is nourishing, what’s going to fuel me, what feels good for me
— Melissa Costello -

I feel so privileged that I get to connect with and interview people like the talented and inspirational Melissa Costello.  She shares her difficult journey with body image that has her supporting so many people in her work as a Transformational Eating Coach, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Certified Spiritual Psychologist, Plant-Based Chef, Speaker and Author.  Melissa shares that eating well does not exclude a challenge with body image and inappropriate relationship with food.

Inspire yourself with these essential insights from Melissa Costello

We spoke about 

  • A difficult body image journey

  • The rise of chronic illness

  • Healing the relationship with food

  • The many benefits of clean eating

  • Finding balance and consistency in our relationship with food

  • One meal at a time mindset

  • Types of reasons why people eat

  • Melissa’s tips for Living Fabulously

Value Quotes 

“When I started to transform my diet, all my childhood illnesses went away”

“I thought that the healthier I ate and the more that I controlled my food, that would bring my body to a place that I felt good about”

“I basically healed my relationship to food and my body because I really saw the connection of how my eating was linked to my body image”

“As much as eating healthy and eating clean is important a lot of people struggle with the consistency”

“We’re overwhelmed, overloaded, people are not getting enough sleep”

“We are constantly being bogged down by electronics, phones and all these distractions and people aren’t getting the quality of time alone or the quality of sleep that they need”

“It’s become a world of convenience and what is convenient is not always healthy”

“I’ve finally felt that sense of freedom where I can really enjoy my body and feel good”

“Clean eating is not eating from a bag, box or a can but eating food as close to nature as you can”

“We’re in this diet mindset that keeps us stuck in the vicious circle instead of living more from a place of what is nourishing, what’s going to fuel me, what feels good for me”

“What I found for myself in my journey is that the healthier I ate, the better I felt and the more I wanted to do it”

“Each choice we make is either going to compound the problem or create solutions for us”

If you got value from this episode if you have not yet done so please Subscribe, Rate and Review on iTunes or Stitcher. You can follow the instructions here.  If you know someone else that would get value from this episode as well please share it with them.

Until next time fabulous podcast listener, I’m Bev and I invite you to live the fab life with me now!

Melissa Costello on Living Fabulously with Bev P2
Melissa Costello on Living Fabulously with Bev P3

Episode Links  

You can find Melissa Costello at:

Website: www.karmachow.com

Facebook: https://facebook.com/karmachow

Do you find yourself in the tug-o-war mindset of “I want something sweet”? Take this FREE quiz with steps to reclaim your shape and get back your va-va-va-voom! Head to www.livingfabulously.com/hello-vitality


052 3 tips that will make your nightmares become sweet dreams | Bev Roberts

The fears and worries we don’t acknowledge in our waking life come out to play in the middle of the night
— Bev Roberts -

We are midway through Sleeptember®, a month of events focused on supporting you to get better quality sleep so I decided to share 3 tips that I have found particularly helpful to deal with a busy mind and stress. You may find that you fall asleep from exhaustion yet wake up in the early hours of the morning with monkey mind. Use these tips daily to train your mind to put stress to bed!

Inspire yourself with these essential insights from your host Bev Roberts

I spoke about

  • How sleep can become like a nasty playground

  • 3 reasons why your mind makes a poor master

  • 3 practical tips to ditch stress that keeps you awake

Value Quotes

“The fears and worries we don’t acknowledge in our waking life come out to play in the middle of the night"  

"Our mind gets stuck on auto-repeat and like clockwork it’s 2 or 3am, we’re wide awake and the merry-go-round of thoughts swirl in our heads relentlessly"  

"It is completely possible to fall asleep and stay asleep when we understand that the mind makes a good slave but a poor master"  

"Amplifying our perception of the situation is what can create unnecessary worry or fear and yet it may be a blinkered version of the story"  

"Place a priority on letting go of those fears before you head to bed so you can have restorative sleep that brings equilibrium easily"  

If you got value from this episode if you have not yet done so please Subscribe, Rate and Review on iTunes or Stitcher. You can follow the instructions here.  If you know someone else that would get value from this episode as well please share it with them.  

Until next time fabulous podcast listener, I’m Bev and I invite you to live the fab life with me now!

Episode Links

You can also find me at:

Facebook: http://bit.ly/livefabfbpage

Living Fabulously Forum: http://bit.ly/livefabfb 

Become Calm and Collected once again with this FREE guided relaxation

Bev Roberts on Living Fabulously P2.png
Bev Roberts wellbeing transformation maven

Sleeptember® Events

1) Sleep Beyond Belief will resolve the problem of feeling stressed out and instead we will be tapping out! Let's tap out your stress so you can Sleep Beyond Belief!

2) Stress Sleep and your Brain will solve the connection and missing links between your energy, your emotional health and your vitality. Get your natural high right here by connecting Stress Sleep and your Brain

3) Six Steps to Healthy Weight and Vitality will eliminate overwhelm and have you take back control. A simple plan to carve out time for yourself while still keeping up with your work and family commitments. Let go of the angst with 6 Steps to Healthy Weight and Vitality