It's not about what you're missing out on by sleeping...
It's what NOT sleeping is costing you in the long term!
1 in 3 Australians have poor sleep quality that leads to lowered immunity, fatigue, inability to cope with stress, loss of productivity and irritability
What’s the impact on your immunity when faced with common or out of the blue viruses?
What’s the impact on your income, your relationships, your sex life, your kids?
What’s the impact on your health, your energy, your mood, your weight?
Your body is so tolerant and will put up with sleep deprivation for a while.
Yet all of it's systems are sending out alarm bells but you're not listening to them.
While you might be surviving, you're not THRIVING with loads of energy!
Want to know how to overthrow poor sleep quality?
In a 3 Pillar (scratch that)
In a 3 Pillow System
Body - learn what kind of sleep your body needs, the best time for your body to sleep, and uncover the mystery why you wake up at peculiar middle of the night hours
Mind - overcome the racing thoughts that keep you awake, the one mind trick that will get you back to sleep every time, and the sure way to overcome excuses
Sleep - determine the actual intrusions behind your sleep (you’ll be surprised), how to master your sleep cycle and how to ready your body clock
Body + Mind + Sleep = Sound asleep nights + A throw away your alarm clock lifestyle
Ready to THRIVE with loads of energy?
3 Sleep Sayings you need to drop
1. It’s a waste of time, I’ll sleep when I’m dead.
No, actually you’ll be dead. The body doesn’t sleep then but ignoring rest and the importance of sleep will give you an early date with a not-so-comfy grave bed. Magic happens when you sleep well.
2. I’m just a Night Owl. I come from a family of Night Owls. It’s just the way it is.
You, Fab Sleeper, create your own programming for your body. You get to determine the clock your body runs on by implementing the 3 Pillow Approach to great sleep.
3. I deserve some ME-time / downtime at the end of the day (even if downtime is a Netflix movie that ends at 1am before a work day)
The best ME-time is taking care of yourself with rest so you are fully refreshed to be your best self and handle life’s stressors with a full tank of Let’s Get Stuff Done Energy

Ways your Sleep and Life are about to transform
for the glorious better
This is you: Waking up at the same time each day without an alarm clock because your body automatically awakes at the same time each day
This is you: Creative and on point with a memory like an elephant able to focus and recall the details of the conversation you had that morning, last week or whenever.
This is you: Energised and ready to take on the day with enough oomph to come home and show your partner some va-va-voom at the end of the day
This is you: Content and happy, no longer eating Guilt Sandwiches from grumpy morning meltdowns with your family and co-workers
How will you see that happen? I have the Sleep Solution!
It’s a beyond simple, easy-to-use and put into practice step by step program for your mind, body and sleep cycle.
It’s the only program on the internet that combines a Mind, Body, Sleep Cycle Approach.
It’s the best and easiest model of sleep-hacking that fits with your busy lifestyle.
Feast your eyes on the only start to finish system with the simplest, most strategic step by step program that can be done, literally, with your eyes closed!
Here’s what you get when you invest
Step by step program with focused solutions each week that are doable reducing any overwhelm you currently feel
Complete and done-for-you resources with each solution so you’re in control of your sleep transformation
Unlimited access to a library of resources and worksheets you can download so you have what you need to solve your sleep nightmare
Experience active support in a closed Facebook group where no question is too big or too small so you feel heard and understood
Your investment special is AU$225 (+- US160)
Next round begins on sign-up
* After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as the course is offered - across any and all devices you own
Frequently asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts when you sign up! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as the course is offered - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
I was convinced that poor sleep quality would stay with me for life. In a last ditch effort I joined this program and changed the direction of my future health and happiness.
Now I feel empowered! Empowered with knowledge. Empowered by progress!
I can undo a lifetime of learned habits if I set a high intention and operate from a place of awareness and personal integrity
Laura Childs
Still Unsure?
Let’s clear up any confusion
This is not For You If...
You want a magic pill or silver bullet
You are content with your fluctuating sleep patterns
You have studied sleep science or teach sleep practices
You are a clinical insomniac who requires a sleep doctor
By investing 4+ weeks into your health and well-being
and learning HOW to sleep, you’ll experience the restorative power of rest and simply say “Good night” and mean it!
I have had trouble sleeping for more than 4-5 hours uninterrupted for as long as I can remember and especially since my twins were born. I was sick of living in a sleep deprived fog!
Bev provided resources that are helping me create lasting sleep changes in my life. The effect has been priceless – I am sleeping and feeling better!!
Wendy Livingston
Because that’s the real heart of Living Fabulously!
Helping others learn to slow down and enjoy life before life slows them down or if you've already been stopped in your tracks by chronic illness. I love helping people this way. It truly motivates me to get out of bed in the morning. I would love to help you, too.