“Openness is associated with positivity”
Being the "invisible middle child" gave Erin Browder a passion to connect with others in a lasting way. Erin talks about the creative insights journey and how when we shift our perspective on things we can come from a place of receptivity while managing our inner critic.
Inspire yourself with these essential insights from Erin
We spoke about
The life changing impact of hearing a radio show
What the Creative Insights Journey is and the many benefits
Tools for every day challenges
Shifting our perspective to time and stress
Applicability to personal relationships through to getting your idea out in the world
Using a “wheel of life” as an inventory
New perspectives on current situations
Shifts and transformations people make in an integrated approach
Knowing your own perception to particular tasks is key
What to do while undertaking less pleasurable tasks
The three E’s
Amplifying the enjoyment of achieving goals
The challenge of our voice of judgement and inner critic
Talking back to the voice of judgement
Being still and listening to your intuition
Value Quotes
“We all have problems with time and stress”
“Openness is associated with positivity”
“Are you showing up in your relationships 100% the way you like to?”
“When we attach negative emotions to particular tasks it’s not going to be enjoyable”
“That inner critic gets in our head and just gnaws off at our enthusiasm and intrinsic motivation”
“I am the driver in the relationship with my inner critic”
“There are so many ways we can disprove that inner critic"
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Until next time fabulous podcast listener, I’m Bev and I invite you to live the fab life with me now!
Episode Links
You can find Erin Browder at:
Website: http://www.erinaverybrowder.com/
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